BlogFestivus Day 8 - 8 Maids of Milking


"I invented the milk mustache," said the maid. "Children love milk and it was my sign to parents that the baby was well fed and happy."

"Really?" replied the young woman halfway listening to the applicant for a housekeeping position. "Anything else?"

Deflated, the maid tried to think of something. "I'm really good with animals."

The woman’s eyebrow raises, "Tell me more."

The maid blurts out, "I'm good at calming animals. I was responsible for cows and had a knack for collecting huge amounts of raw milk. Cows are rather moody you know but they love rap music and pretty ladies. To get the cows motivated, I always played a Rick Ross song. I once dressed up eight of my friends as maids and had them milk the cows."

“Not happening on my farm but great idea for my husband’s birthday party. You're hired."
BlogFestivus 2011 Participants (in all their unwrapped glory)

Blogdramedy (writing challenge instigator)
Fix it or Deal
Shouts from the AbyssStevil
A Few Clowns Short
Rewind Revise
The Original Bean
Becoming Bitter
Words That Rhyme with Purple
Mad Hatters
A Daft Scots Lass
Random Says
Suzanne Forte PR
Slightly Whimsical
Trail Blazer 1
Ivanna MarieLenore Diane’s Thoughts Exactly
Diary of a Mad Gay Man
