BlogFestivus Day 11 - Water and Pipes

The mice were running to the music making the wheel turn super fast. It was also raining that day and the sound of dripping water blended with the melody.

Sprinkled with sequins the mouse house was glowing and caught immediate attention from everyone walking into the room. The mouse house also served as the perfect distraction that hid the crumbing bigger structure.

The rain pounded the ragged roof and the wood could barely put up a fight. The floors were soaked too and the walls were transformed into waterfalls.

The rain came down harder transforming toilets into overflowing swimming pools. The abandoned home was flooded with water and the mice would drown soon.

Overworked the pipes burst while the rain continued piping. Eleven skirted Scottish men sat in the room with the mouse house and played music as the storm passed and finally ended.


  1. Amazing how men can sit through pretty much anything. :-)

    Thanks for joining in BlogFestivus. Hope you had fun and it got your creativity flowing.

    Blogdramedy, the BlogFestivus Elf


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